Carolina Pereira Buzetto

Carolina Pereira Buzetto


More than 20 years of media career, navigating the various media disciplines and agencies such as F/Nazca, WMcCANN, Isobar and Fbiz

Help to set up advanced media operations for clients such as: Kolab (Coca Cola) N.lab (Nestlé) TUB (Team Unilever Brazil) Smart.lab (Diageo), VTeam (Visa) and WM Hub ( Warner media), Open X ( Coca Cola). Star Hub ( Samsung) L Team ( L’oréal)

Co-founder and CEO of WMS – WPP Media Services integrating with global GroupM agencies.

Nominated for the Caboré award :

Professional media of the year 2020 and 2022

Nominated Women to Watch 2023

Outros jurados